not really ....
the toninelos will be here sunday!
it's funny that working at the coffee shop alot of known stragers know that gio's parents and sister are coming next sunday.
yesterday at work a pair of favorites thought that the toninelo's were arriving yesterday morning, everyones excited!
the weather is still not behaving for us..... the fence is almost finished, dad has finished making the gates.
dad and i took out anual father/daughter home depot trip this evening to get the second set of hinges for the gate.....soon it wiil all be over.
this morning dad, gio and i went over to our friend brendan's rental house to pick up the fridge and stove that he gave us for gio's house.
brendan warned me and he even felt bad that the appliances were dirty - really dirty!
this was a rental house with boys living in it! yuck doesn't say enough!!!
but this project went smoothly. we spent the better part of the afternoon cleaning them in the court yard before hauling them into gio's new kitchen!!!
life will be slower soon and hopefully more fun..........
not to say that i am not having fun right now .......i can wistle while i work .......but at this point every thing seem like one more stupid thing i have to do to complete the main projects......
i am so looking forwards to gio's family being here and all my friends gathering here for the wedding. .... it's the cherry on the cake