Tuesday, November 03, 2009

bottled and el ten



september 30: i took the plums from our tree, i let them sit and get a little sweeter and then boiled them with honey & cane sugar. i took the plum musk and added it to the honey musk..... cooled and then the champagne yeast was added.
the oddest foam happened with this batch - HUGE bubbles formed and then once they were gone the gas slowed down dramatically.

november 3 : today gio and i bottled the plum mead..... next pear!

and tonight El ten eleven is at the high dive......

Friday, September 11, 2009

troubles with technology

to remember to fix in the future.....

i just had the problem of reformatting an external drive from simple tech.
- the techy tony that i was assisted by said that if you're running leopard that there are a few extra steps need:
turn your computer off. turn the external hd off. restart computer. when the computer is up again turn on the hd.
you should get a warning sign: initialize - ignore - eject
you need to initialize it. (the tech said it this didn't work that there was one other way, but this worked for me.... i don't have the other way)
then go to applications - utility - disk utility
once you are at the disk utility screen select from the hard drives
931.5GB fv-u35 Media (not the second one below it)
- go to partition: -under Volume Scheme: you need to choose to 1Partition - then apply
-then under Volume Information - name it - format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled) - apply
now you are ready to follow the steps for erasing that come supplied: click erase on the top of the screen. select the desired format. change name. click erase at the bottom of the screen - and once again on the second window.
you should see the icon for the renamed external hard drive.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Austin + Gi Joe Fest = FUN

gio and i headed down to texas last month for the GI Joe Touring Festival. Super great!
the Alamo theater is a great place with great events and i am very greatful to Zack (the Director of programing at the alamo).

The other bonus is the fact that my roommate from a decade ago lives there with her fantastic husban (gio's new Boyff).

here are a few picks for the trip.....

Oh, did i mention the fact that GI Joe Fest just got booked in NYC? At 92Ytribeca! July 25, 2009!





Monday, March 02, 2009

on the set

i was hired by starz to do craft for their night shoot for sci-fi last saturday - oh boy it was cold!
super fun, everyone was great here are some shots i took on set.

















Friday, January 23, 2009

we now introduce to you skeletor mitchell!

IT"S A BOY!!!!

heather leGrand mitchell has given birth to her son skeletor (until they name him he will be named skeletor!!)
today (jan 23) at 1:10pm!

he's 8.3 lbs with all his digits and he's bent on world domination!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to the LeGrand Mitchells!!!!

love and kisses to all

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Birthday Party Fondue WIsh list


Ok, party guest.
i am glad that everyone will be celebrating elvis and my birthday with gio and me. 
so here's how it works.... here are some of the ingredients that we need for the party.

What every you'd like to bring please leave a comment on which fondue's ingredients  you'd like to choose from and which ingredients you'd going to bring. 
come and toast to elvis with us at 7pm-ish  thursday jan 8th


Classic Cheese Fondue:
1 lb Gruyere cheese
dry white wine
Kirsch (sour cherry brandy) (small)

Mushroom Fondue:
1 lb mushrooms

Chocolate Fondue Ingredience:
12 oz bittersweet chocolate bars
1 pint whipping cream 
Frangelico or Amaretto liqueur (small)
1/4 cup hazelnuts or almonds

For Dipping

Hazelnut or almond biscotti
Salted pretzel sticks
Cubed pound cake/ firm cake
angel food cake
small cookies
apples, pears, peaches, pineapple, dried fruit, oranges, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, grapes - seasonal fruit
mixed grain, whole wheat, pumpernickel, french, italian, focaccia. 
cherry tomatoes
bell peppers 