Monday, August 13, 2007

where in the world is dad?

Dad is leaving colorado on thursday 14 august.
he is going back to virginia for an undetermined "short" amount of time.

I would like to place bets on when he returns to colorado.

please let me know what date you would lke to reserve and what would you like as a reward.

He just asked me last week to book him a ticket. This man can come and go as quickly as the wind!

He has helped gio and i so much this summer! There's no way we could ever repay my father for the help that he gives all of us!


Maria Helena said...

Acho que todos gostariam de ter um pai como o seu.
Que Deus o abençoe

Trish said...

i'm saying next spring he'll return like the swallows of capistrano

Stacey said...

Hmm... Thanksgiving for the alternative to turkey meal you guys go for. A brief stop before heading south.